You may or may not know, I'm currently writing a book. Since the end of September 2016, this book has been my baby. I've mentioned it a few times on my YouTube that I'm writing it, but recently I've been getting really into it again (thanks writer's block), and I wanted to share a little of my world with you. I will admit, it's not the first book I've ever written. I wrote a book back in High School/College and it was all about Fallen Angels. That was my first baby, however, even though I love that book and I'd love for it to be out there on shelves and have a shot; I kind of feel like I sort of... copied my favourite book at the time. And that book is Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick.
Now don't get me wrong, the way I set my characters, the storyline, etc. was all my idea. Although, I do feel like my book was heavily influenced by the Hush Hush series. It had the main character, whom was shy and a damsel in distress, the typical bad boy and a sidekick. It was based in a High School where they meet in a lesson because they become partners. (Sound familiar? If you've read the trilogy, you'll get that).
Even though I absolutely adore my book, Control Over Me, I didn't want to publish it. The guilt knowing that I had written this book, while reading or re-reading this trilogy, was always there. Whenever I have a quick look back, I can see a lot of similarities. And that's the struggle with having a look of writing and reading: you can't do both at the same time.
To kind of, avoid this happening again, I make sure that I read different genres. So now that my book that I'm currently writing is based on a girl that works in a cafe, who meets a CEO of a company, I can now read the Hush Hush trilogy. For the simple fact that there's no angels, no immortality, no similar locations and no bad boy. Just an introvert who wants to write and another introvert that can't understand how he feels. But I don't want to spoil that completely and give away all my ideas.
This time around, writing this book has been a slow process. It's contained a lot of writer's blocks, frustrations and a lot of perfectionism. I want this book to be the first book I ever publish, and have people picking it up off the shelves and buying it. I don't want to this be another Control Over Me disaster where it just gets left on a memory stick, to then be forgotten. This is a book that I've actually taken the time to really sit down and think about the structure. To think about how I want the chapters to go, what I want to write. I'm taking the time to really dissect the characters and really think about what they'd do in these situations. And I'm definitely not trying to create a damsel in distress. Because my main character is most certainly not one. She's stronger than she realises. She just needs a little push here and there.
To say I’ve gotten into this book would be an understatement. I mean, I even created a vision board for my book, as you can see above. This is a little snippet into my world, and the characters. I want to create more boards, explaining their personalities, their hobbies, their pet peeves. I feel like I’m so emotionally invested in this book, it might have to turn into a trilogy. I think that’s another reason why it’s been such a slow progress. Because I don’t ever want to say goodbye to these characters and this world.
Aside from creating vision boards, I’ve also been creating other things. Things that are needed for the book. I want to create social media accounts, websites, everything. I want this book to shine and when it’s finally out, have a place where readers can visit, to make them feel almost as if they’re part of the progress of the story.
I feel like I’ve spoke. Too much and rambled in forever. If you made it to the end; congrats! It’s over! If you have, maybe leave a comment with the phrase... “Control Over Me”, and then I know who the are that read until the end. Until next time....