U P D A T E !

Wednesday 27 November 2019

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Hello everyone, it's been a while. I haven't been using my blog to express my emotions lately, but instead, I've been using my diary. And it's been very therapeutic. So instead, I thought I'd update you with both my online and offline life.

It sounds like a scary word at the moment, considering I'm going there in February. And I know what you're thinking, "why is this scary?" Welllllll we still haven't gotten all the in-flights and accommodation sorted. And we fly in 3 months. Now I'm a person that loves to be organised, and because my family don't share that love, it's making me extremely anxious. So I've decided to take a step back, and leave it to them to handle, as there's no point stressing, when no one else is yet. 

Also, I'm planning on vlogging my entire month's trip. So look out for that on my channel next year. 

If you're a reader of my blog, you'll know that I do love a good blog post, talking all about the gym and different exercises to share. Not going to lie, I've been a little stuck between getting motivated, as well as just not really giving a shit. But it's now 3 months till Australia, and I'm deciding to get serious. Because eating shitty food isn't good for anyone, however it is okay every once in a while for a treat. And I also need to remember:

  1. Junk food makes you feel like shit.
  2. It's messing up your overall goal.
  3. Upsets your stomach.
Unfortunately, my love for a cheeky Dominos, is no longer a thing I can enjoy anymore. Something about that pizza, causes my stomach to hurt a lot. And I've got to start listening to my body more, rather than my cravings. I am frequently updating random shizz here.

Healthy Eating
Following on from my last point, overall my healthy eating hasn't been too bad. The occasional bad weekend, thanks to Mother Nature, but apart from that. I've gotten itno a habit of buying my own food when I'm at my mum's, so I can control what it is I'm eating. 

I attempted a dairy free lifestyle last week - honestly wouldn't recommend. Everything stunk, and tasted like air! It might help you lose weight and give me a clearer face, but personally it wasn't worth it to me.

Lol, don't panic. Still as single as ever. Still pining over boys that most likely won't ever like me back, but hey ho. Would I be me without that feature? Nah. But on a funnier note, I did a video on my latest crush and my lol fails. Click here to watch that.

And I think that's it for updating...

Will be writing more posts shortly, so keep an eye out. <3
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